Computer Science Engineering Direct Admission In Srm University 2016

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   Kannur, Kerala
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SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago

For direct admission in SRM UNIVERSITY contact Amit Singh 09677087586
Direct admission in SRM University under Management Quota [ -TecH] Contact 09677087586
SRM offers academic programs in Engineering, Technology, Applied Sciences, and Management. It offers 20 undergraduate programs, 34 postgraduate, four integrated MS courses and four doctoral programs. SRM has consolidated its disciplines into 10 Schools of Study with the addition of the SRM Law School at its Chennai campus.[12]
Admission Guidance & Career Counselling Management Quota @ SRM University for 2016... 09677087586
The institute follows a credit system for evaluating academic performance. The grade point average (GPA) is on a scale of 0 to 10. Courses are allotted credits according to their importance.
Direct Admission in SRM University under management Quota {Get Brilliant Study @ SRM}.. 09677087586 Get Direct admission in SRM University through Managment Quota {Book you seats for 2016}
Teaching at SRM is structured around nine schools listed below. A student is registered in one of these schools according to their field of study.[15]
School of Computing, Science & Engineering
School of Bio Sciences & Technology
School of Information Technology & Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering
School of Social Sciences & Languages
School of Advanced Sciences
School of Electronics Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering(SMEC)`
School of Civil and Chemical Engineering(SCALE)
SRM Business School
SRM Law School
School of architecture
Direct Admission SRM University for LOW ( %) under Management Quota [Get Confirm your Seats].. 09677087586

The aspirants who want to take admission in SRM University contact AMIT SINGH 09677087586
The university currently offers 20 undergraduate programmes, and in addition to this has recently launched the B.Arch degree for students willing to pursue Architecture.

Amit Singh

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