Dinesh Tube India

   Mumbai, Maharashtra
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Zamroo Team

SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago

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Dinesh Tube (India) is associated with many of the best manufacturers of steel industries in order to supply high quality & testified material/products. We can arrange for material against CT3/ARE4/H forms for exports. As registered dealers, we provide Modvat invoices so that you can avail of excise duty benefits. Additionally, we can also help you in importing any material/product strictly adhering to your preference & quality constraints. We can arrange chemical, physical, mechanical, ultrasonic, micro, IGC and any other related test from govt. approved laboratories. Third party inspection of our material/product has been always welcome in our business.

More Information Visits : https://www.dineshtube-india.com

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Kamlesh Sheth

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  2. Don't carry large sums of money with you when going to meet the seller.
  3. Never send advance payment under any circumstances.
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