Korean Jade Thermal Massage Beds By Carefit

1.1 Lacs
   Karnal, Haryana
1.1 Lacs
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SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago

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Carefit beds are the lowest cost korean jade stone infrared therapy bed which is ergonomically designed considering the natural curvature of the spine. It provides a pleasant and comfortable feeling during the massage session. It maximizes the effect of massage, finger pressure and moxibustion with optimal fit to the spine line. The bed has tourmaline sheet on its leg side for extra infrared massage. It also has original set of 4 jade rollers which massage our spine perfectly with more acupressure effect.


External projector with various functions

External projector (3-shpere) is applicable to various parts of the body including the abdomen and arms where the internal projector cannot reach.  Two people can use simultaneously with the external projectors.  9-sphere external projector is also supplied with this bed

Who can benefit from the Carefit Beds?

Virtually everyone. We all have bodies that create acidic wastes every time we eat, drink, think, exercise, or experience stress etc. Our typical modern lifestyles tend to prevent enough deep sleep and relaxation free of mental activity for our bodies to keep up with the waste removal process. These wastes get stored in the cells that then become an acidic repository for yeasts, molds, fungi, viruses, unhealthy bacteria, cancers, and diseases to thrive. Anyone wishing to restore their body, or diagnosed with a ‘medical condition’ or is merely exposed to an environment that has toxins in it, will receive the benefits from integrating the Carefit Mat into their lives.

What will I experience on Carefit Bed?

This will vary from person to person yet here are some typical responses:




Jasmine Kaur

(Not Rated)

••••• •• 701

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