Permanent Job In Airlines As A Ground Staff In Airlines

   Barrackpore, West Bengal
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Zamroo Team

SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago




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Hiring for Airport Ground Staff, Customer Service Agent in Kolkata.
Description :-

1. Qualification minimum 10+2 pass
maximum Graduate or Above.
2.Age should be 18 yrs to 29 yrs.
3.Language Known in Hindi, Bengali & English.
4.Post - Ground Staff.
5.Salary - 15000 /- to 25000/-


*No Visible Tattoo Mark.
Candidate Should be carry 1 copy updated CV & 1 copy photo and come in proper formal dress.

Further More Information Contact HR. Payal Karmakar.

Payal Karmakar

(Not Rated)

••••• •• 953

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