Sreeganesh Farm Offers Best Quality Labrador Retriever Puppies In All I

   Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
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SUMMARYPosted: 3 months ago




The Labrador Retriever, also known as simply Labrador or Lab, is one of several kinds of retrievers, a type of gun dog. Labradors are athletic, playful, and the most popular breed of dog by registered ownership in Australia, Canada, New Zealand the United Kingdom, and the United States, A favourite assistance dog breed in these and other countries, Labradors are frequently trained to aid people who are blind and people with autism, act as therapy dogs, and perform screening and detection work for law enforcement and other official agencies.
Size: Labradors are a relatively large breed. They should be as long from the withers to the base of the tail as they are from the floor to the withers. Males should stand 22.5 to 24.5 inches (57 to 62 cm) tall at the withers and weight 65 to 80 lb (29 to 36 kg). Females should stand 21.5 to 23.5 inches (55 to 60 cm) and weigh 55 to 70 lb (25 to 32 kg). By comparison under UK Kennel Club standards, height should be 22 to 22.5 inches (56 to 57 cm) for males, and 21.5 to 22 inches (55 to 56 cm) for females.
Coat: The Lab\'s coat should be short and dense, but not wiry. The coat is water-resistant, so the dog does not get cold when taking to water in the winter. That means that the dog naturally has a slightly dry, oily coat. Acceptable colours are black, yellow, and chocolate
Head: The head should be broad with slightly pronounced eyebrows. The eyes should be kind and expressive. Appropriate eye colours are brown and hazel. The lining around the eyes should be black. The ears should hang close to the head and set slightly above the eyes.
jaws: The jaws should be strong and powerful. The muzzle should be of medium length and should not be too tapered. The jaws should hang slightly and curve gracefully back.
Body: The body should have a powerful and muscular build.
The tail and coat are designated \"distinctive [or distinguishing] features\" of the Labrador by both the Kennel Club and AKC.
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  1. Meet in a public place during the daytime when other people will be around.
  2. Don't carry large sums of money with you when going to meet the seller.
  3. Never send advance payment under any circumstances.
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